You are not here on accident. You are here on purpose - for a purpose. The Renewal Method works. I can show you how to create a life you love to live in the life you have. It’s not too late. You’re here right on time.

“I hate my life.”

“I hate my life.”

“I hate my life.”

“I hate my life.”

This is was what I hollered at the top of my lungs at the end of a hard day. 

Yep, I yelled it 3 times. 

At the end of that meltdown, Proverbs 23:7, came to mind - “as a man thinks in his heart so is he.”

Even though my life seemed hard, it was really what I was thinking about my circumstances that was giving me my biggest trouble. The truth was - it was a really good life with some hard things in it.

It was at this point that I discovered the power of biblically-based life coaching. 

It. Transformed. My. Life. 

I started applying The Renewal Method to my own circumstances and showed other women how to use it in my job as a Women’s Ministry Director. (Yep, that’s right. I was working in ministry when I yelled, “I hate my life.” People in ministry are humans. We have hard days, too.)

As I applied these tools and renewed my mind, I could sense the Lord leading me to get my life coaching certification and open a life coaching practice.  Now, having transitioned out of full-time women’s ministry, I have a thriving life coaching practice. I LOVE coaching women just like YOU. I love seeing you have breakthrough moments. I love seeing you go from hopeless to hopeful. It’s my dream job to help you thrive in your life. 

I love devoting my time to helping women like you create a life they love to live in the life they already have.

Life coaching works. 

Hi, I am Chelle.

I can help you get your smile back.

Let’s get started.